Sunday, March 30, 2014


It is Sunday morning and I am sitting here admist a chaos of home renovations. I find myself alone in my living room staring at a wall, drinking coffee, and listening to nothing.

The Lord reminded me that this stillness is good.

Being an extrovert I am often drawn to being around people all the time. I hate being alone and constantly want to be doing things. Our life has been nothing but still since we moved back to Orlando (I am not complaining AT ALL). We have been surrounded and embraced by our friends, been encouraged, and have received more help and love than we could ever imagine.

The constant flow of people has reminded me of how important it is for me to be alone. To bask in the stillness to truly hear what the Lord is saying. I have found myself, recently, filling every quiet moment with community. There is nothing wrong with being in community and I am so grateful for ours in Orlando, but I have forgotten to listen. I have forgotten to take that time to be still. To listen to the Lord, to thank him for his provisions, and to reflect on where I am in this season.

I need to be still. I need to listen. I need to be alone.

As someone who struggles being alone, who in the past would panic at going anywhere by myself, I have learned to treasure being still and alone.

So today, as I sit ALONE, I am cherishing the quiet, I am cherishing the silence, and I am embracing a beautiful day with my creator.

Enjoy your Sunday!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

The world of windows

Wow! I hadn't realized how long it had been since I blogged. Starting with this blog, I am going to try and be a regular blogger!

Last week was my much needed spring break! My parents and grammy decided to fly in from Atlanta for a few days to spend some time in the great state of Texas. They were such a blessing to us and the encouragement I needed to finish this year strong.

When my mom and I get together we tend to shop, talk, and determine new projects that we might be able to do. This week wasn't any different. We started off shopping... A LOT. We found some hidden bargains and gems that I am SO excited about! Next, was to the household project...the windows.

These windows have such a wonderful story. They came from my great grandmothers home in Vinton, Virginia. They are about 100 years old, but are in AMAZING condition. I saw them back in April of 2012 and knew that they would make a unique accent piece. I lugged these windows from Virginia to my parents house in Atlanta. Then from Atlanta to our storage POD at Matt's parents house. Then to our home in Texas. These windows have been through it all, but are finally the focal point that I was looking for!

The first stage was looking at the actual windows. We had to determine what our plan was to conquer them. Here is a before picture of the oldest window.

Next, came the sanding. This was my favorite part (if you can't tell by the picture). I really love using Matt's power tools!

After we sanded, we realized that the actual wood was too beautiful to paint. So, we began the picture process. Below, is our special helper for the day. She really did a lot to help the window sanding process...

Next, we moved on to the painted window. At first, we thought we would sand that down as well, but after looking at the window I fell in love with it's old charm. Since we didn't sand it, the next step was picking out pictures. 

Tada! The final product of the white window!

The once green window is now back to it's original glory! 

I am so thankful to my mom and grammy for their help! I couldn't have completed it without them! These two, simple, projects made our home feel so much cozier! 

Monday, August 6, 2012

Eggplant Goodness

Matt and I love Chicken Parmesan, but it is not the healthiest meal in the world. I had never cooked eggplant before so I decided to try eggplant parmesan. It was a SUCCESS!

I found my recipe through Whole Foods Market. This was a hit in my house! The Eggplant with the breadcrumbs made for a savory dish that we both loved. I did make some adaptations to the recipe to make it a little healthier and it still turned out great!

1 large eggplant, sliced lengthwise. I was able to fit about 6. 
2 egg whites- The original said the whole egg, but eliminating the yolk makes it a little healthier :) 1 1/2 cups bread crumbs 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil1 Jar tomato sauce 1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese1/2 cup shredded parmesan cheese

1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.
2. Take the eggplant slices and coat them in the egg whites and then in the bread crumbs. 
3. Place them on a cookie sheet and stick them in the oven to bake for 15 min and then flip them and let the other side bake for 10 min. 
4. Once the are done, increase the oven temp to 475. 
5. Take a baking dish and layer the tomato sauce, then eggplant, then cheese and repeat while ending with cheese.
6. Bake for about 15 min until the cheese is melted :) 

This was the best recipe that I could find without having to fry the eggplant. It was a great, easy, meal and we almost didn't miss our chicken! Here is a picture of the finished product:

Friday, July 6, 2012

Choose Joy

This has easily become my favorite corner in my home. From taking an old picture frame and creating a picture collage, to using old shutters as a card hanger, I throughly enjoy this space. However, one thing here is truly my favorite.

The painting on the right. "Today I Will Choose Joy." What a simple thing, right? Choose Joy. Choose joy over sorrow. Choose joy over agitation. Choose joy over bitterness. Seems easy. This painting is a constant reminder to me of where I can find true joy.

I cannot provide myself with true joy. I cannot buy a mountain of clothes from the LOFT and have true joy. My husband cannot buy me a dozen sunflowers and make dinner for me to have true joy. My true joy comes from mySavior. The Lord is the only one who can provide us with true joy in our lives.

Matt and I have been in Texas for a little over a month. Married life is going better than I could ever imagine. I have a loving husband who is so comforting, patient, and amazing. However, I found myself sad and negative about the things that I did not have here. I didn't have my friends, I didn't have a job, and my family was across the country, and I felt that my only purpose was to clean house and cook. This realization sent me into sadness.

I was reading one morning and it hit me. The Lord has given me SO much to be joyful about. While I may not always be happy about my situation, I can be joyful in the amazing life the Lord has provided for me and the salvation I have received from him.

I realized that the Lord's plan (not mine) and his grace in my life is something to be JOYFUL about. I am BEYOND blessed and should be screaming from the rooftops about the gifts I have been given.

"Let the morning bring me word of your UNFAILING LOVE, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul." Psalm 143:8

"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in ALL circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

As I read these verses, I was filled with a sense of peace. The Lord's UNFAILING LOVE for me would fill me and sustain me. I decided to be joyful. To give thanks for what I was given and to not focus on what I didn't have. My joy can come from NOTHING but the Lord.

Choose Joy. Choose to be content in the Lord and let HIS unfailing love sustain you and give you hope.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

From old picture frame to home decor goodie!

Over the past few months I have had my eye on a craft at an expensive home decor store.  It was a wood frame with wires between it and picture clips hanging from the wire.  I would see this item and think how wonderful it would look in Matt and I's home. However, my wallet did not like the price of this craft. One day, Matt and I were browsing and I showed him this piece. His first words were, "we could make that." From then on I was determined to make this piece!

My first step in making this was finding the perfect wood frame. I found this item at an antique store in my Nanny's hometown of Vinton, Virginia. This item was PERFECT and I only paid $5.00 for it!

I have now had this frame for a couple months and have been anxiously waiting to craft my perfect wire picture holder. I decided that the 4th of July would be a perfect crafting day. Especially since I could recruit Matt to help :)

The first thing that we did was drill holes in the back of the frame and place fixtures in those holes for the wire to go through.  We did three fixtures on each side of the picture frame. These fixtures came in a picture hanging kit from Wal-Mart. It was $5.95 for a kit of nails and picture hanging supplies!

We then took picture hanging wire and fed it through the eyes of the fixtures to make a straight line of wire across the frame.

Below is what the frame looked like from the back after we had attached the wire. We then added clips to the wire. These clips were left in our house when we moved in, but you can find them at any craft store.

 Finally, it came time to add our wedding pictures! I was so excited to finally have this craft hanging in our home.

Total, it took us about 30 minutes to finish and it is a wonderful addition to our living room! Thank you to my wonderful husband who has now become quite the crafter :)

Monday, July 2, 2012

It's Dinner Time!

Over the past month and a half that Matt and I have been married I have tried really hard to learn to cook. Some of my recipes have been disasters (like trying to make a breakfast casserole and forgetting the 9 eggs). However, some of them have been very good!

I wanted to share one recipe that I have seen pinned a thousand times on pinterest, but didn't know if anyone actually ever tried it. It is the Chicken Pot Pie Cups. This recipe is from Between 3 Sisters and is a fabulous one that was so easy to make!

I made some adaptations to the recipe because I didn't want to use some of the reduced fat ingredients. My mom has always taught me to use all the fat in cooking and save the calories somewhere else :)
Here are the ingredients for this delicious meal:

-1 can of  biscuits (10 count) 
- 1 cup cooked chicken breast, diced
- 1 (10 1/2 ounce) can reduced-fat cream of chicken soup
- 2/3 cup shredded l cheddar cheese
- 1 cup of frozen mixed veggies (I used the $1.00 package from walmart!)
- 1 teaspoon dried parsley flakes
- 1 teaspoon of onion powder
- 1/4 teaspoon black pepper

1. Preheat your oven to 400 degrees.
2. Separate biscuits and place each biscuit in a cup of a lightly greased 12-hole muffin pan, pressing dough up sides to edge of cup.
3. In a bowl, combine chicken, chicken soup, veggies, cheddar cheese, onion powder, parsley flakes, and black pepper.
4. Spoon chicken mixture into prepared biscuit cups.
5. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes or until golden brown.
6. Remove from oven. Place muffin pan on a wire rack and let set for 2-3 minutes. 

Some pointers I learned from this experience: 

-Use name brand, LARGE bisucits. I tried to use the cheapo biscuits and they turned out to be super tiny and didn't work for the first batch. This meant that Matt was making a mad dash for the Tom Thumb so we could finish dinner. What a great husband :) 

-I did use the reduced fat soup and the recipe still turned out wonderful!

-Their recipe said to use reduced fat cheese, but I just went with the regular and it was fabulous :) 

-Make sure the biscuits are pressed on the sides of the muffin pan so that the biscuits will cook up!

I really enjoyed making this recipe and found that Between 3 Sisters has some wonderful recipes on their blog! I hope you enjoy this fast and easy recipe :) 

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Tis The Season!

This seems to be the season of engagements, weddings, and pregnancies. Last weekend, Matt and I were so excited to get to travel back to Atlanta for one of my very best friends weddings!

Father's day weekend we traveled back to my parents house for Caitlin and Bryan's big day! We were able to spend time with my parents and family members before heading up to Ringgold, Georgia for the big day!

 I have been so blessed by Caitlin and her friendship. She and I met in high school and our friendship has continued to grow stronger over the years. We have experienced so many incredible opportunities and experiences together. From living in Miami on Summer Project, to getting to experience planning our weddings together, we have been by each others sides! I am constantly encouraged by her love for the Lord and her love for those around her. I am so excited for her and Bryan and the amazing marriage journey that they are starting! I love you, friend and cannot wait to see the journey that the Lord takes you on!

Here are a few pictures from the big day!

The venue was so beautiful!
 My beautiful friend and the bride :)

 Mr. and Mrs. Tucker :)

What a great weekend we had in Atlanta!