Sunday, March 4, 2012

Blushing Bride

Blushing bride seems to be a very fitting title to this blog post. This weekend I had the pleasure of being blessed tremendously by my friends and family. My moms cousin, Connie, and my sister hosted a WONDERFUL bridal shower for me. This shower was beyond wonderful. Everything was color coordinated to my coral wedding scheme down to the color of the punch! We had amazing food, great desserts, and amazing company.

Throughout the shower, Connie and Megan would introduce new games for us to play. One game, in particular, required me to guess the different articles of clothing that were being placed on me. Let's just say that this was quite comical. From bathing suits, to granny panties, to raincoats, my loved ones dressed me from head to toe. I am sure that this game is where the term "blushing bride" came from! As different articles of clothing were placed on me, I could feel my face turning bright red! However, I would not have changed this part of the shower! It was such a fun experience that I think everyone enjoyed!

Reflecting on this shower, I saw how blessed I truly am. I had my family, and future family, along with my wonderful friends there to prepare me, and my future house, for marriage. As I sat in the pile of presents, I was amazed at how much Matt and I have received. Matt and I are BEYOND thankful to each and every person who has come to a shower, hosted a shower, bought us a gift, or supported us through this engagement process. I know this engagement has been rough at times, yes I have been a bridezilla a time or two, but we are so thankful for all of you!

I have decided to add some pictures from this big day for everyone to see. Please feel free to laugh at me when you see the picture from the hilarious "dress the bride" game!

                         The final outcome of the "dress the bride" game! Too fun!

                                       My beautiful sister and Maid of Honor

                                         My Mom and mother-in-law!

                                         Some wonderful friends!