It is Sunday morning and I am sitting here admist a chaos of home renovations. I find myself alone in my living room staring at a wall, drinking coffee, and listening to nothing.
The Lord reminded me that this stillness is good.
Being an extrovert I am often drawn to being around people all the time. I hate being alone and constantly want to be doing things. Our life has been nothing but still since we moved back to Orlando (I am not complaining AT ALL). We have been surrounded and embraced by our friends, been encouraged, and have received more help and love than we could ever imagine.
The constant flow of people has reminded me of how important it is for me to be alone. To bask in the stillness to truly hear what the Lord is saying. I have found myself, recently, filling every quiet moment with community. There is nothing wrong with being in community and I am so grateful for ours in Orlando, but I have forgotten to listen. I have forgotten to take that time to be still. To listen to the Lord, to thank him for his provisions, and to reflect on where I am in this season.
I need to be still. I need to listen. I need to be alone.
As someone who struggles being alone, who in the past would panic at going anywhere by myself, I have learned to treasure being still and alone.
So today, as I sit ALONE, I am cherishing the quiet, I am cherishing the silence, and I am embracing a beautiful day with my creator.
Enjoy your Sunday!