This title seems very fitting for my first ever blog post. I decided to start a blog to share with our family and friends. I want to share what is going on in our lives leading up to our wedding in May and then as we continue our married lives. While we won't always have the most interesting lives, or blog posts, I still figured I would share :)
You may be wondering why it already says "World of Webb," yes that is not officially my name, but I wanted to go ahead and start blogging and decided to get used to the new name :)
Anyways, this week has been HUGE for Matt and I. It has been an emotional roller coaster of excitement, fear, doubts, and guidance. Back in November, we received information that a company in Texas was interested in hiring Matt. My first reaction was that there was NO WAY that I was moving to Texas. I didn't want to wear cowgirl boots, I was scared of horses, and I did not want to own a cow. These three things meant that I could never live in Texas. So in my mind this was a nice gesture for this company to send our way, but it was never going to happen.
NEVER doubt how funny the God we serve is. Little did I know, two months later, Matt would be going on an interview with this same company. Still, in my eyes, Matt was just going to this interview because it was offered. I thought that there was no way he was going to move me to a state whose motto seems to be "everything is bigger in Texas!"
While Matt was at this interview, the Lord began to change my heart. He continued to remind me that he was in control and showed me that Texas could be a wonderful opportunity for us. Matt left these interviews, excited about the possibility, and to my surprise I was too.
Fast forward, one month later: here we sit about to push the accept button for this AMAZING job in Texas. I might want to mention that is amazing job is with Texas Instruments in the Apple products division!! Yes, Matt will be developing apple products! So cool! So anyways, my heart is racing and my excitement and pure joy about this situation is overflowing. I am sitting here SO proud of this amazing man that I am about to marry and SO excited about the opportunity the Lord has set up for us.
Of course I am nervous about moving to a new place, leaving friends that we love, having to find a church and community, and for me having to find a job. However, I am comforted by the peace of Christ, knowing that he has EVERYTHING planned out. I am not in control and for once in my life I am at peace with that.
We will be moving to Dallas, Texas in May and I cannot be more ecstatic for this journey that we are going to be taking! Praise the Lord for a changed heart!
Matt and Emily
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